These luxury bags are under the 1000-Dollar-Benchmark. Why you should own one.
We hardly ever speak of budget matters when it comes to luxury bags. Sure, every fashionista and design lover wants their fair share of a great quality bag, that makes a statement on its own. I count myself among the people who mostly invest in bags and wear fairly “normal” clothes with them. Not only because it’s not just about fashion and trends, but because it’s a form on investment for the future and there is actual money to be made with it. That’s not saying that I don’t love a trend piece from time to time – but to be frank. I’m not a rich girl. I need to be smart with my decision making when it comes to expensive luxury items.
So: Let’s take a look at luxury bags under 1000.
The Alma BB is one of the minis that actually account for a lot of space inside. I’m usually not too fond of minis for this exact reason: If you can’t even fit your phone, it’s a no-buy for me. The Louis Vuitton Alma BB is still under 1000, but it’s safe to assume that the price will go up within the next 1-2 years. This also makes the bag a good starter piece, if you want to invest in luxury items without losing money. I covered how to invest in luxury bags properly here. I also love the classic style, that will never go out of fashion and is quite elegant.
Go to the item: Louis Vuitton Alma BB Monogram Canvas
The “Keyts Small Leather Shoulder Bag” by JW ANDERSON is quite a statement piece with it’s golden middle anchor. The pastels are subtle and easy to combine and you get great leather quality for quite a small price. JW ANDERSON is definitely a label to watch and I expect the prices to go up steeply in the next few years. It has a front storage pocket for cards.
Go to the item: JW Anderson Keyts Leather Bag
Mademoiselle Longchamp
My personal favourite is the Mademoiselle by LONGCHAMP. Longchamp is known for its great price-quality-ration. The Mademoiselle Longchamp is made from soft calf-leather, is quite flexible but will still hold its form. The classic size holds enough space for everything you need in everyday life and the design is just classically stunning, without looking conservative.
Go to the item: Mademoiselle Longchamp
GG Marmont Mini
Don’t be fooled by the name, the GG Marmont Mini isn’t mini at all. The circle-design is very en vogue at the moment and the design comes in various colours. If you want to own a Gucci and make a statement, this is the bag for you. Soft calf leather and suede lining perfect the design.
Go to the item: Gucci GG Marmont Mini
The Soft Berlin
MCM has been big in Germany for many decades but has recently gained international fame. I blame the retro-90s-vibe fashion has been implicating in the last years. The MCM Monogram is cult here in Europe – but I also love the white version of the berlin bag. Definitely a great luxury bag under 1000 – if you just want a cool trend-piece and don’t care too much about the gain in value.
Go to the item: MCM The Soft Berlin
Chloé C
Chloé-bags have been hits for a while and Natacha Ramsay-Levi’s “Chloé C” range will surely be the next. The mini design made in Italy is made from smooth grey leather and presents with the typical inhouse C as the centrepiece. The interior is lined with canvas, the outside is trimmed with suede. The purse has plenty of room for everyday essentials.
Go to the item: Chloé C Mini
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